Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Many Teachers Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

How many teachers does it take to change a light bulb?

One to write a detailed lesson plan on how to change the lightbulb to be turned into the administrators for review at least a week before the lightbulb is to be changed.

One to be sure the lesson plan includes plans for how to differentiate the changing of the lightbulb so that all learners can benefit - differentiations will include:
  • Composing and performing a song about changing the lightbulb
  • determining how long the new lightbulb will last based on past lightbulb statistics
  • writing a paper on the history of lightbulbs and presenting it to the group
  • allowing participants to work in groups to change the lightbulb
  • drawing out a diagram of how the lightbulb will be changed
  • exploring what it really means to change a lightbulb and what effect the changing of the lightbulb will have on those who change it as well as those who benefit from the light
  • relating the changing of the lightbulb to other experiences in one's own life
  • discussing how changing the lightbulb will impact the enviornment
One to make sure that changing the lightbulb is challenging for both highly capable learners and those needing remedial help.
  • Highly capable learners will be challenged to come up with ways to change the lightbulb without the use of a ladder
  • Those needing more help will recieve special instruction on the "Lefty- Loosey, Righty-Tighty" lightbulb changing technique.
One to make sure that the lightbulb changing lesson plan is consistent with district objectives, standards, and goals.

A task force of six to design  a comprehensive yet standardized test on lightbulb changing.

One to administer the lightbulb changing test.

A committee of 15 to interpret the results of the lightbulb changing test.

A committee of 20 to design a new lightbulb changing curriculum since the test proved the old one was a failure.

A committee of several dozen to passionately debate the merits and shortcomings of both the new lightbulb changing curriculum and the testing methods.

A team of four to convince that original teacher who wrote the first lesson plan not to quit her job and move to a small hut on the beach in the Bahamas with no electricity and therefore, no lightbulbs.

http://www.minds-in-bloom.com/, 2010

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